Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Although it's still piping hot and humid, it's September already. Everyone has a favorite season, and autumn is special to me for a lot of reasons.

First, it will be dry and airy, a respite from the humidity that weighs you down the whole summer. Secondly, a lot of new beginnings and transitons always happens during this time of the year.

I remember my dream house of 11 years ago, driving in my then convertible to see the renovation, with the hood down, so excited at the prospect of moving in. There are also special moments taking of my kids to the Peak for walks, and watching them roll in the grass, with no fear of heat strokes.

This September, we are opening our new studio. Am I a bit superstitious about good things happening in autumn? This will be a new chapter and I can't wait for the story to unfold. There seems to be so many possibilities suddenly opening up with our new endeavor.

Perhaps it's the airiness that lifts the spirit, so all things seem lighter, happier...


Anonymous said...

Even in Tokyo, it doesn't feel like Autumn yet...
But it does seem like a good season for you.
Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! It will be that much more special coz of your visit!

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