Saturday, December 4, 2010

Simply Being

What defines a person? Does work, title, address, spouse and money define a person? By deduction the person is reduced to the work, title, address, spouse and ultimately money they own. All things extrinsic measure by quantity and by having more.

What defines a person? Stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself with complete honesty. Are you all that you want to live up to be, kind, caring, loving, considerate, truthful, respectful? Everything intrinsic measures by quality and by reaching higher.

What defines you?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

One Night

Flowers by Pastel b.

Leaning out the window one night I found a solitary star in the hazy sky. As I gaze upon it I was suddenly embraced with a warmth exclusive to fond memories. The lone star began its metamorphosis, star after star appeared until a celestial canopy canvassed the entire sky, evoking a distant place in my sea of memories, Cape Cod.

Memory can be moulded and sculpted; holding on to every detail is a burden. At some blessed point I decide to tread lighter. Some memories are special and will always be cherished but mere static should be jettisoned. As laps of waves take them further and further out, I feel cleansed with a clearer mind. What's left is a sense of benevolence and truly wonderful memories.

Be selective, choose to keep what and who's worth remembering, discard the flotsam.
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