Thursday, January 15, 2009

Freedom Moon

I have been an avid supporter of the Animals Asia Foundation for a couple of years now. I was so excited to get this book in the mail. The proceeds of the book will go directly to the moon bear funds.

It is thrilling and heart warming to see the bears thrive after so many years of being abused. Some more fortunate bears get to live out in the sanctuary, finally free, feeling the sun and grass, playing and getting proper nourishment and medical attention.

Some unfortunate bears never get to set foot on the grass, and have died after arrving briefly at the sanctuary. I was outraged to see the tortured images and it made me want to do more for them besides supporting the foundation. I want to spread the word, my righteous indignation at the humans who would torture animals for profit. I hope that more bears will be saved and this horrendous practice of bear farming will end once and for all.

Hooray to the team at Animals Asia for their tireless efforts in freeing the bears!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hooray for the team but to me even bigger 'hooray' for your warm heart for caring.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pascale :)

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