Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The past few days have been frantic, news of hope and disappointment alternating and occupying the minds of everyone. Everyone is hoping for the best. I don't presume to know the ways that people deal with being overwhelmed. Proven ways include talking, venting, hanging together and providing support for each other. However, none of the above really works for me. The only trusted way for me personally, is to shut down, physically and emotionally.

I guess it's a survival instinct I have learned over the years and perfected, to shield myself from disappointments. Some things do not resolve themselves overnight and it gets tedious for friends, even the most patient ones, to hear you recount for the nth time that things are, well, more or less the same.

Not wanting to bore my friends to death, I have turned to a lot of self-help books. Books of empowerment, self approval, positive thinking... the works. It sounds pathetic, but I find that after reading this mountain of words, I have learned to turn within for centering, to find a sense of peace and calm.

The book I revisit time and again is "Everyday Grace" by Marianne Williamson. This book has impacted me in a lot of ways of being grateful, and believing in the goodness of God, despite sadness. Pages will be devoted to this wonderful book later. Suffice to quote a prayer here, that Williamson has taught her daughter to say every night before bed, that aptly describes what we are facing.

"Four angels round my bed,
Four angels round my head,
One to watch,
Two to pray,
And one to chase the bad things away."

All we can do now is to keep our faith and pray for the healing powers of God...


Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to read this post. Don't know what to say to you except it will turn out well.
I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your prayers, I think they are answered!!

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