Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wake Up Call

I am feeling very lethargic these days. I haven't slept as much in ages. After a full night's sleep, I could fall asleep while reading on the sofa, having read perhaps a maximum of 3 pages of any book. I would groggily go online and I would try to best my scores on facebook games. After dinner, I would crash on the sofa again and watch mindless TV shows. Then I'll go online again and try to best my scores again.

This is not me. This is me avoiding a big issue in my life right now. Since I quit my hated job a little more than a year ago, the market tanked and so had my nestegg. It has gotten to the point that I have to seriously contemplate the most horrifying prospect of having to go out to the world again, to face people, yeah, put simply, to get a job.

I was counting on my investments to go back up, but it ain't happening (up till now). I never thought the economy would head south as much as it had. I have been dreading to face this money problem coz it's freaking me out. I procrastinated, so I just shut off and sleep. I just didn't want to dwell upon it coz it's just too overwhelming.

Tonight, it has finally dawned on me that I have posted nothing new on my blogs for a long time. It's because I haven't done anything!! I am just wasting away. If I don't wake up and address this problem sooner, it will only get worse. I guess the fact that I am writing about it is a good start.

Dear Friends, I need a wakeup call!! Hit me!!!


pascale said...

slap! slap! slap!
wake up!! haha (you asked for it)
Okay, you don't have to be too harsh 0on yourself.
But! money don't last forever and while you are still young it won't hurt to earn a little more?

You had one of the most toughest jobs out there before so I am guessing it can be really dawning on you to get another job. Unless you are planning to get a similar kind... it can be much much better :)

May be the hours won't be as satisfying but something less stressing? any ideas? have you been looking around? don't worry, you are not alone- and the winning price only belongs to the one who tries and works hard enough :)
(who am I to lecture you on this...)

bonnie said...

Haha, thanks for the comment and the slaps!! I really needed the forehand and backhand whams!! I am much better since I posted this. I guess I just needed to vent and "face" everything head on by making it "public".
I have looked in classified posts, but there is nothing at the moment...
I just want to concentrate on the website and at least get one thing accomplished!!
Since it's really quiet work-wise, I am reading lots so not to waste time and in the meantime, I could gain more knowledge and insight. Never know, maybe some ideas will come to light!
Thanks for your comment!! :D

bonnie said...

By the way, you are just the right person to lecture me coz you are a very, very dear friend!! :D

pascale said...

AWE... thaks for the dera dera friend part :D I am honored.

well I guess if you can take your time then you can take your time since you got the bank book. :)

Your site will be up pretty soon...I think.

pascale said...

did you read that? 'thaks for dera dera'
what's wrong with me????

bonnie said...

Yup, I read the "dera, dera", I thought it's deliberate tim, haha :D

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