I was really frustrated the past months with a bombardment of questions, or to be exact, accusations of what work I am in right now and how I am getting by with no "job". I tried to put on my best face and told the inquisitors that I have my own professional writing company and I do translations for companies. More questions came, so how did you get the projects, did you know somebody, did you actually make money? Duh....
I also told them that I have a studio, and the inquisitors went, what do you sell, do you pay rent, how much revenue's coming in per month? Blah....
I was so fed up with them that I was perpetually in a bad mood for the past 2 months. I confided in my friends and a very dear friend reminded me that every start up takes time. She reminded me that when I first saw her, I had no name card. I was carrying my then manager's name card. Oh, I also had no seat in that office, since I was in training then. I sat opposite my manager in his room.
Well, 6 years had gone by and in the process, I became a Business Director of the company. I had no grand illusions of the company after my 6 years tenure and I decided it was time to go. Well, 6 months into my retirement from active work, I had a chance to do some editing and translating work for the internship program with my previous company. I was real happy that the feedback was pretty good.
One day, an ex-colleague called me for coffee. As we were chatting, the topic of the internship program came up, and I told him that I did the writing. He said he knew of the program and asked me if I would like to do bilingual translation for his association in the future. I said "Yes, I'd love to." So it all began from a coffee chat. I am blessed with ongoing projects with his association now.
Another friend who saw my writing also referred me to a big project for a new fast food franchise. I am very grateful for his referral and I am blessed I have ongoing projects with them, too. When the store opened, I went to try it out with a couple of friends. The satisfaction from seeing the words I had labored on turn into a real store was really heart-warming.
We are working on Pastel b.'s website at present. The concept of a hand sewn card came 11 years ago. That was when I made my first card and named it Pastel b. I can't wait to see the website up and running coz it is designed so beautifully. I am reminded once again, that every start up needs time to grow and flourish.
You don't know how much your words meant to me, dear friend, when you reminded me of the name card incident. I really hit a bottom the past few months, thinking that I am not "doing" anything, when all the while, the start ups are taking their natural course to grow. Thank you, my friend, for being there for me. I truly appreciate it. :D
I agree :)
Thanks for your encouragement :D
Someone told me once that we need to be able to take a step back and see ourselves like friends can see us.
It's one of the most difficult things to do if you ask me.
But if you can master it is suppose to decrease your worry to almost half!
Believe it or not.. hehe
I do believe it, though it's hard to take a step back when the emotions and anxieties are running high!!
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