Today marks Kobe's 15th month passing. People say time heals everything, but I guess it will take a lot more time than 15 months to heal the ache and emptiness that Kobe has left in my life.
He has been so brave and fought so hard for his life after 2 big surgeries, I thought he would live a long life. He was only 3 years old when he passed on, Until now, I still can't accept the dying young part. You will always be my precious baby. I miss you, Kobe.
時間並不能叫人忘記傷痛,因為曾經深深愛著!我明白妳的感受, 因為我每天也面對著這一個情境,並叫自己好好作準備!
awe.... :(
I am sure he is a very happy little one even from up there knowing his mommy loves him so much.
Just treasure every moment with Mo Mo :)
Thanks, I think he knows he is loved, esp. Merlyn :)
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