My constant companion will turn eight this October, in doggie world that's fifty-six years old. I have delegated the care taking to Merlyn when she's still here. Now that I am the sole caretaker, I have discovered new traits I haven't noticed before.
I always tell people I am blessed with a pig who has a very mild temperament. Unlike his breed he is not prone to incessant barking. He is very sociable and doesn't bite. He behaves so well I take him almost everywhere with me. He has very good table manners and would never scramble for food on the table when we eat out.
The vet always say Porky is a gentleman, can't agree more. He is much loved in the neighborhood and he greets everyone. He likes people more than other pooches, which I deduce as him thinking he is a little human. I know Porky understands a lot of vocabulary but his association skill is amazing.
I have to run some errands yesterday and I promise him that if he is a good boy, I'll give him a "cookie" when I come back and we will go "running" afterwards. When I reach home at 6pm it is still piping hot outside. I just want to put all the bags down and cool off for a while. Porky is circling me all this time, following me to the kitchen. While washing my hands, he is already at the cookie jar wagging his tail. He remembers.
As the evening and night wear on, at one point he climbs up on the side of my chair and tap my thighs. He looks at me with those bright round eyes and a broad smile. Are we going to "run" yet? I tell him to wait. After a short while, he climbs up and taps me again. We should "run". I get up from the dining chair and he is already at his leash, pink tongue showing with a big grin.
After gearing up for our"run" we walk down the stairs. Lo and behold, it has started to rain! I mumble something, something, continuing our way down the stairs. When we reach the lobby, the security guard says it's raining, with all three of us staring at the glass door. Then Porky starts to bark at the door and the rain. It's the first time I have seen him do this. I take it he is really frustrated that after all the waiting to go "run" it's raining.
Seeing him thus, I ask the security guard to open the door anyway. The drizzle has become a downpour and with nothing to do except wait under the awning of the liquor store, I light up and start puffing. I have loosened Porky's leash and he tentatively steps out to test water. He returns to my side after several tries, deciding not to brave the fat droplets after all. Knowing these summer downpours will go away soon enough, I tell him we'll wait in the lobby.
True enough after five minutes or so, the rain has stopped. The security guard has treated Porky with a cookie but all this time he is looking at the glass door. He is so happy when the guard announces the rain has stopped and he looks at me expectantly. I fix his leash and off we go, his feet pattering on the wet pavement. Our "run" is half the distance we usually cover but short legged Porky seems to think his legs plus tummy are soaked enough so when I turn to go home there is no protest.
When we reach the lobby he starts to shake off the water. He is so contented he is wearing a big, big smile. With my flip flops squishing and Porky leaving wet paw marks in the hallway, we head for the elevator. While drying him he pokes his head through the towel to give me a slurp kiss. I guess it's his way of telling me he appreciates my delivering a promise.
After taking a long drink from his water bowl he lies down, heaves a mighty sigh and in no time I hear his famous snore. I pat him and bid him sweet dreams. Some pig.
awwwwwwwe that is a cute post.
I miss Porky.
We miss you, too auntie Pascale!!
will be in HK next week!! :D
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