A much welcomed email from B&N annouces the summer sale is here, and the long awaited paperback version of "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown is finally available for pre-order. Best of all, the books will be shipped to my sister's free of charge. This will be a great Christmas present pour moi when she comes back from the States in December.
This is a consolation to the passport blunder last month. I am supposed to attend my cousin's wedding in Toronto, then meet up with my girlfriend for a sojourn in New York City. Suffice to say I find out two nights prior to my departure that my passport has expired three months earlier!! Fortunately, the ticket has not been issued thereby the financial damage is contained, but the disappointment has permeated the rest of June.
I have been receiving post cards and parcels from New York. The "wish you were here" makes my heart glow. I have been so worried the ditched girlfriend from Toronto will be bored to tears braving the Big Apple on her own. Updates from my other girlfriend who lives in Jersey are really upbeat though. The two ladies have bonded so well they both describe as having found a long lost friend. How great is that?
Things happen for a reason. I have missed a lovely wedding and a gal pal trip to my favorite city. In retrospect though, I think it's a blessing in disguise. If not for my stupidity, I would not have known the support from those I have let down, knowing I will be my worst berator for failing them. This detour has been worth it afterall. "All's well that ends well" as the bard would have put it.
You know what's the greatest part out of it all? It's you being able to see it the way you can. How positive, how forgiving :)
It's much happier to see the glass half full :)
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