Whenever I sit down to do any serious reading, I always have pen and scrap paper with me. The purpose is to mark down words I don't know or just vaguely. I hate reading something without knowing its intended meaning. The reading is done, but no meaning is deciphered from it. A half way comprehension is hence a complete waste of time.
This modus operandi has been going on for several years. I even have a notebook especially for my new found vocabulary. It's truly humbling to acknowledge one's ignorance in face of all the circled words. I still can't suppress a jolt looking at their numerous counts every time. I consider myself as pretty literate but when an elusive word keeps escaping or a phrase is used over and over again for want of a better one, I know I am still a long way off from mastering the language.
The saying "you are what you eat" can be translated to "you are what you read". I try to stay away from summary, synopsis or any truncated work. In this day and age where information is brimming, one wants to be briefed on everything, making highlighted versions extremely addictive. Tempting it may be, there is a reason why an original work is written a certain way, it is meant to be savored.
Emerson puts it, "So in writing, there is always a right word, & every other than that is wrong. There is no beauty in words except in their collocation. The effect of a fanciful word misplaced, is like that of a horn of exquisite polish growing on a human head."
Well said.
(photo: www. wordpress.com)
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