I have been following a creative writing blog with gusto for some time. It has breathed many new insights to my otherwise stale writing of late. A recent post is titled "What is your character's drug of choice?" Its focal point being everyone is addicted to something we simply can't live without. It's the thing "the character will hold on to for normalcy and sanity". It does not have to be a substance addiction, it can be a memory, a person or even a pet.
I have been plagued by the dilemma "to move or not to move" for months. This inner struggle has been tormenting me every waking minute and it's literally driving me mad. While reading the post I can totally see myself as the said character. My drug is my pad, the place I feel safest and sanest. My major reluctance to move being after living in the same place for six years, I feel like I have found my roots. In essence, I have found a sense of belonging and I have never felt so at peace.
During this time, there has been no shortage of advice to move to a smaller place or a different area to pay less rent. The very reality that I will be uprooted has tipped me to genuine despair. I am not sure if my insistence has moved Providence to help. For the first time in months, I can feel the black cloud of despair dissipating and a sense of "normalcy and sanity" returning.
What a relief.
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