I have become a 100% vegetarian couple weeks ago. The reason I say 100% is because I used to eat chicken and seafood. I have quit eating beef, pork or any kind of mammal since I was 16. It's not as hard as I thought, abstaining from the rest. After a few weeks without chicken or fish, I can't put a morsel in my mouth now.
About 2 weeks ago, I read and watched a Peta file on how diary cows are abused and used to the maximum to milk them for money, money and more money without any consideration these innocent animals can feel pain, emotionally and physically. After they have lost their value, that is when the cows can't stand or milk anymore, they just leave them to wither and die, lying in their own feces. Milk is definitely gone. I am lactose intolerant anyway, so why buy milk purely for my morning coffee and make these poor animals suffer? I have replaced milk with soy milk and I am so happy Starbuck's and Pacific Coffee serve soy milk if you request it.
A friend posted a video of how they slaughter cows and man was it cruel. Some friends say they don't have the courage to stomach the video but they have the stomach to eat it. They shot a bullet in the cow's head, but the cows were still conscious when they were hooked up, sliced opened and their legs sawed off. The footage showed a cow shedding a tear prior to being shot. All the other cows awaiting their fate were crying in the background.
Peta is not a radical organization. It proposes ethical treatment of animals. When it boils down to monetary gain, ethics is out of the window. If animals are to die for human consumption, can't humans at least treat them with respect, dignity and as humanely as possible? Think of the next burger, steak, pot roast, lamb, veal and milk you take. Can you see the cow, the pig, the lamb, the calf suffering? Can you hear them crying?
People may think that I am radical, like Peta, but there are some friends who are turning away from meat, too. When I eat out now, if the dish has any meat, I'll just tell them I am vegetarian and to replace with vegetable instead. Well, if it's not possible to alter the dish, I'll have a coffee then, black and pick up the tab.
photo http://www.caswellmom.com
1 comment:
Got ya, you are a vegetarian for sure. Just make sure you eat well balanced food from here if you are cutting out any animal protein. :)
I hear it's not impossible if you plan your diet properly but if you only stick to vegies without any other nutrients it can go wrong.
Oh well you are smart one, I am sure you will take good care of yourself :)
Good luck!
p.s. I am still going to buy milk & meat for Leigh though...
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