I was real happy to receive a call from the LUA three weeks ago to do their annual report second year in a row. My work revolves translating Chinese scripts into English drafts. Over the past two weeks, I have received an onslaught of scripts and slaving away with them, not daring to slack because the deadline is real tight this year.
Translation is a very solitary work, which suits my personality and work style perfectly. I could just email the finished drafts without the need to meet with any clients. Since there is only me in the company of the Chinese characters and English alphabets, the downside is after several hours with them, my brain is stuck.
It doesn't help that I am my own worst critic. I would edit the draft a zillion times before submitting them. A word or a phrase would jump out at me and I would go "whoa, where did this come from?" and I would edit the whole piece from the beginning. There are times when I simply could not fathom a phrase that would retain the gist of its intended meaning from one language to another, then I know it's really time to STOP and unwind.
Surfing the tv channels, I chanced upon a singing competition on television. My thumb was hovering over the remote's button but the singing I heard made me froze. It was one of my favorite songs and it's sung so beautifully. I ended up watching the whole episode.
It turned out this brilliant singer is Adason Lo. He is 23 and really talented. He has over 10,000 fans on his facebook page already. He sings, composes music and even plays the piano and violin. His songs are all by my favorite artists, and a lot of us fans, even judges, think he interprets them better than the original artists. That first time I heard him sing on TV, I went "Wow". I have followed 9 episodes now, the show is the highlight of my Sunday evenings.
He wrote a note on Oct. 1st on his page, thanking his fans for the support. At last count, there were close to 400 encouraging comments. Like a lot of fans, I felt touched by his note. I left a comment telling him that his singing and especially his talent had touched a lot of people and to do his best this Sunday.
Being able to immerse myself in this beautiful voice of his helps me unwind completely. With a freshened mind, the phrase I have been struggling before would pop out out of the blue. Can't wait till tomorrow night to hear Adason sing again. Ganbatei!!
Ganbatte on your writing!
You might say putting so much effort to your work is simply your personality of wanting to be more perfect but I think it has more to do with your good responsibility.
I am sure your clients will appreciate your effort and hard work when everything is out, they are lucky to have hired you. :)
Thanks for sharing this great singer you mentioned. I wonder if I can check him out on youtube...
Thanks for your nice and long compliment, really appreciate it :D
You know the Lil Green Patch on fb? I just had to arrange everything by color. I told a friend who is playing and told her I have type A personality, but she said it's more like OCD (obsessive complusive disorder). She arranges by alternate colors :p
Oh, I just watched another epidode on tv. It's the first time he sang in cantonese, some harsh critique but us fans are behind him!!
You can check out all his videos on his facebook page under Adason Lo (much easier than youtube)
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