I read an article a while back that some people suffer from seasonal mood disorders. Usually it's winter because sunlight is less and it makes people depressed. I, on the other hand have summer blues. I languish in summers. I hate the heat, the humidity, the sweat. Worst of all is the blinding light, it never fails to give me a migraine. I have taken my fair share of painkillers this summer.
It's been getting hotter every year. Yes, I think it's the effect of global warming. To keep the heat out, I have all the blinds down during the day. This year it is so hot that even with the air conditioning on, it's at most "warm", not cool in the house. I can just jump back into the shower after drying my hair because I would be sweating already. I hate summers.
I have always loved autumns. I believe special things happen when the brisk, dry air arrives. I hope come September, summer will be officially over. Listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons again, autumn is still my favorite.
Ah, I think those prediction/study about getting down in the winters are pretty correct for many our there. I have seen people go all moody and melancholy in the winters and back to lively themselves in the summer. haha
I love summers...I use to hate it... I think if you live in HK it's hard to appreciate the heat since the humidity really hit you hard. Try living in a cold country for a few years, your symptoms will definitely clear out. haha
But I do appreciate autumn and its romantic smell in the air... I hear it will be cooler from next week here, I wonder if it's true.
I also think it has to do with individual biological clock and makeup.
I was in Toronto doing my citizenship one winter and it's not as bad as I thought. I stayed there only one winter. Perhaps if I stayed every winter I would have felt differently.
I definitely know that I am not a morning person and I really hate summers. The humidity here sucks big time, but even back in California when it's dry, I still don't like summers...
I sure hope it will be cooler next week. Looking forward to the crisp smell in the air!!
我同樣不喜歡夏天,第一,夏天天氣根本不容許人走出街做其想做的活動, 任何活動例如:行山、旅行、逛街等等,都會被炎熱的太陽曬死;第二,夏天實在需要花費更多的金錢在冷氣及美白方面,在開支層面來說,也是全年最多;因此, I still don't like summers
I totally agree with you. I spend the most money on electricity and taxi fares in the summer. It's so hot you don't want to do activities, even walking. Plus, I don't want P to get a heat stroke.I really hate summers.
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