Last week, I had the harrowing experience of almost losing Camille. The fact that she's here to wreck havoc to my laptop meant she wasn't lost. I was expecting a delivery and knowing how nervous Camille was with strangers, noise or anything that's not familiar, I made an appointment with the pet groomer a week earlier, so the kids could be safely out of the house when the delivery guys came.
When I took the travelling bag out that morning, Camille went into hiding. After futile attempts to coax her out, I decided to bring Ashley and Porky first. She was nowhere to be found when I came back. I was getting antsy because the delivery would be here soon. I called and called, but there was no sight of her. I sensed trouble already.
It turned out that she was hiding under my bed. When she knew she was found, she shot out. The door was ajar because the guys had to move the old bed out. I thought she ran out of the house. After the delivery guys left, I went in search of her, in the house, the building, the neighborhood. Not a glimpse. No one had seen her.
I went to pick up Ashley and Porky from the groomer's and told the lady that should somebody bring Camille in, to please give me a ring. I came back exhausted. I was sure that I had lost her. It was approaching 6pm and getting dark. I got more worried by the minute. The noise from the renovation upstairs and the roadside had died down and the silence made it more foreboding that something bad had happened to her.
I got up and went into the bathroom to freshen up. When I came out, lo and behold, there she was. Camille had appeared from nowhere and somewhere. I was so relieved I called up my friend, who had prayed with me five minutes earlier. Our prayer was if God saw fit that Camille should stay with me, to please bring her back. I had done my best to find her and I'll leave it in His hands. Here she was, a miracle.
Sometimes, I wished I had never adopted Camille. She was hyper in every way and scared of everything. However, my overwhelming thoughts when she went missing was how scared she would be. I wanted her to come back because I wanted her to know that she was not orphaned anymore. She had found a permanent home with us.
I still yell at her when she knocks over things, scratches the sofa, among other things. Despite being a menace, I am happy she's home. God works in mysterious ways.
(photo http://santafeworkshops.com/newsletter/AnselAdams_Dogwoodwe.jpg)
This is a miracle and the fact that it happened right after we prayed could only be God's work. :)
I was so happy to have experienced it with you.
Thank god you found her indeed!
Imagine the guilt and scary thought you would have had if you really lost her... gives me the chills
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