The season of plentiful has arrived. These prunes are freshly harvested from my dad's farm. Sweet and juicy the prunes are delicious. They make mouth-watering pies, too. I have a craving for a warm slice served with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Heavenly.
what a nice pic! someone could paint that!! your dad's plum sure looks beautiful there :)
Are you gonna saute your plum in butter and eat it with vanilla ice cream?
my mouth waters just imagining it...
Do you have any recommendations for the prunes? Just butter?
Well, if you have fresh ones, having them the way they are the best!!
As for recipes... don't have much up on my sleeves for fruits.
As for plum saute, yes just butter since your ice cream will be sweet :D if you have a sweet tooth, saute with sugar and butter :) will be very caramelly and nice.
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