I think this is my expression when I sip the coffee my student has bought me. My initial reaction is that it's from one of the adults but when I ask him he puts a fist to his chest and says it's from him.
He has me worried over his other subjects when he keeps sighing and groaning when I ask him over the phone. Is he a sly one though because I am completely fooled. It turns out he has 100/100!! After our short session, we share a large pizza and watch TV, topped with loads of laughs and jokes. It's the best coffee and pizza I have had in a long while, despite the heartburn.
On another note, Camille and the young fellow have developed a fondness for each other. I am guessing perhaps they are of the same age? Camille is two years old cat age which equates to 14 human age. Camille always go MIA when there are strangers around but amazingly she is always at his feet. She is more attached to her hero than ever after he salvages her ball from under the fridge.
When he comes in today he asks me "Where is my girlfriend?" Gee, is this kitty love in the making?
I love it that the rewarding time is spent so wonderfully between you and your student. Both the coffee time and the pizza time. :) I think that's really important, more than the 'working hard' time when the child is learning 'hard work put in = happy consequences'
pats on the shoulders for you and your student.
Of course, it's even sweeter now that he loves your cat too :)
I think that the reward time is swell too :D
Oh there is a story behind the coffee which I am going to post next.
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