Homeless man cuddling his dog
Porky has been limping recently and it has worsened considerably over the week. On top of that I am a bit worried about his bladder. So off we go to our neighborhood vet. While waiting for our turn, a man comes in with a big dog in a diaper. The dog is skin and bones with bald spots instead of hair and clearly in very bad shape.
Out of suspicion that the man is mistreating the dog I ask him point blank what his dog is in for. He says she is suffering from a bad case of diarrhea, hence the diaper. He then tells me she is 17 years old, which is 119 in human years. She could barely see or hear and her sense of smell is almost gone. The amazing thing is the dog has been walking around all this time instead of wimping and whining.
After a 30-minute wait it's finally Porky's turn but looking at the poor dog, I ask the man to go ahead. Thanking me profusely all the while, he struggles to carry his dog into the consultation room. It is not a big clinic. The consultation room is just behind the reception with the waiting area right next to it, so you can pretty much hear everything being said. The vet asks the man about the general health of the dog. Except for the diarrhea, the senior lady is in mighty good shape. Her senses have deteriorated but she has a strong will to live. Bear in mind she is 119 human years old.
Further questioning from the vet has prompted the man to remember the dog has stolen a sandwich from the coffee table couple days ago, corn beef with egg to be exact. Having identified the sandwich as the culprit I expect to hear the usual lecturing from the vet. To my utter surprise the vet's advice is to give her whatever she wants. The dog is in her twilight years and every day is a miracle.
I am truly humbled by this man and his dog. This is unconditional love and commitment, through sickness and health. Porky's only seven but I know one day he would be showing all the signs of the aging dog we meet that day. I dread the day but my consolation is knowing I would be with him every step of the way, just like he's been with me all these years.
Unconditional love it is.
Yes, completely.
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