I didn't give them hell. I just tell them the truth and they think it is hell. ~ Harry S. Truman
I laughed right out coming across the above quote today. It precisely described the people I could not stand but had to socialize with, unfortunately. I believe the phrase "naked truth" was coined to describe the unease people felt when they were forced to emerge from the camouflage of piled on personas into the harsh light of truth.
A lot of people cannot handle truth. They would rather skirt around issues and go through the motions of everything is nice and dandy. With acquaintances it can be termed as being polite. With family and friends, it borders on the point of being ridiculous. I don't believe in white lies because they are still lies. Someday, the hypocrisy will catch up and the damage will be irreparable. To me, being nice is just lies in another guise.
Social decorum calls for politeness, but it does not equate with being fake and insincere. It demeans yourself and the person you are dealing with because you are assuming the person is stupid enough not to notice. After dissecting the word "assume" it simply means making an ass out of you and me.
To make relationships between people more genuine, seeking the truth should be high on the New Year's Resolution list. If sporting a fake Birkin makes you seem rich to the whole world, you still have a long way up from the bottom rung of the evolution ladder, that of being an ignorant fool.
(photo www.icanhascheezburger.com)
but you are a nice person and you don't fake it! :D
Just because I want the truth people say I am being too direct or confrontational. I don't care, beats being fake and insincere!
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