The word "sorry" has a lot of nuances. I am an expert on it because I have heard ocean-deeps of them. Some of the "sorry" are truly genuine. You could hear it in the earnestness in the person's voice, text, mail. This type of sorry is rare though.
Most "sorry" are cover ups of the person's wanting to absolve any responsibility of not delivering what's promised, chickening out or simply, having nothing else to say. You could tell this type of "sorry" is fake because it comes out of the same people in the same situation every single time. It never fails like clock work.
I was talking to a girl friend recently and she said that if a person was so "sorry", why did he do it in the first place or repeatedly over the second, third or nth time. Undoubtedly, we were responsible for it happening the nth time because we were blind enough or more likely stupid enough to believe he will change.
We deduced that "sorry" had lost all of it's original meaning of "feeling or expressing sympathy, grief, or regret". It had evolved to become a word used casually to avoid exactly the above definition, that of "feeling or expressing sympathy, grief or regret."
It's rare to hear "sorry" between girl friends, at least amongst my girl friends. Most of us take promises to heart. I don't make promises lightly, because if I do, I deliver. It's the same with work and matters of the heart. Why do women rise to the top of the corporate ladder now? Simply because we deliver and we don't use "sorry" to cover up the lame duck excuses.
(photo : www.wallcoo.net)
I have never really thought about the weight of 'sorries'.
May be they don't mean so much if they could be used so easily...
But sometimes why is it so hard to say it atthe right time?
Saying it at the right time is hard because it takes both parties. Aside from timing, it calls for a softened heart.
A "sorry" only has weight if it is genuine and the other party is willing to forgive and believe again. It is heavy because the trust is tarnished.
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