"On the surface it might sound like loving yourself is a selfish act, but it is actually the ultimate act of selfless giving....One moment of genuine self-love can result in a lifetime of compassionate contribution to others.
One of my friends, a yoga teacher and single parent with several children, told me, "If I take a few minutes in meditation each day to resonate with myself, I can do things all day with and for my kids. But if I don't take a little time for me each day, I end up feeling resentful about all the demands they make."
-Conscious Living Practice for today-
Take five or ten minutes to yourself today. Don't do anything, just sit and be. Appreciate yourself for simply being you. Realize: If I don't take wonderful care of myself, who will?
(Excerpt from A Year of Living Consciously by Gay Hendricks)
I am blessed with Merlyn to take care of my kids and my household chores. The house is cleaned, the kids are fed when I wake up. I could smell the coffee brewing when I get out of bed. This is heaven.
A week into her 3 weeks holiday back home in May last year, I almost went crazy with the things I had to do before I could enjoy my morning coffee. First, feeding the kids with their appropriate food, dog with dog food, cat with cat's, bird with bird's. Then comes the cleaning of their you-know-what. The point is, it totally broke my most important morning ritual of enjoying 2 cups of hot coffee first thing in the morning.
I was moody and I was impatient with the kids. I felt that I had no space and they were "asking" for too much, as if they could "talk". As I re-read this entry again with the calmness of Merlyn here taking care of everything, I could totally relate to the importance of having some time to yourself.
I guess the quote from Lucille Ball sums it all up, "I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line."
非常同意你的說話, 當人在沒有空間的情況下,自己不能處理自己的事及情,很容易會傷害到別人;愛自己是愛人的第一步,一個不能愛自己的人,難於愛其他人,即或他去愛你,也會令你窒息而死!現在我這一段日子,正正處於一個沒有空間的日子,沒有靜下來想一想,休一休的空間,心內經常會出現急,真的體會到那份空間的重要!對自己好一些!是我要學習的一個好好的功課!
I will try...and I think you are right about it all over again.
Thanks for the throughtful post.
Give yourself lots of credit and pat on the back!! Throughout this period of difficulty, you have shown to be a strong person. If I were in your shoes, I would have cracked already!
Good Job!!
I had you in my mind when I was typing out my thoughts. I think that you are amazing 24/7 taking care of Leigh, and taking care of her so well. I believe you have days of "I need some time to myself!!", but seeing your posts of Leigh growing up and all the love and details you go thru' to prepare her meals and birthdays make me go awe...Love is what made it possible!!
I have a type A personality and I need to have lots of space and time alone. You are simply my heroine!!
Thank you so much for giving me so much credit.
But I leave Leigh to Koichiro, and I take off to go out shopping or simply for a walk in the weekends too.
It certainly gives me a better perspective of everything and gives me extra patience to spend time with Leigh afterwards (so I could relate to your post).
Leigh actually looks more adorable to me when I come back from those walks. hahaha
I think this way Korichiro and Leigh could do some important bonding between father and daughter, too. :)
Yes, I do find my pig more adorable when I come home from my outings :P
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