I have a tough deadline to meet in a week. I procrastinated on this project, coz I just handed one in and I really needed a breather. After a few days of taking my time, I discovered that I was very behind on my projected schedule. So, I gritted my teeth and worked on the project for 3 days straight. My head was spinning when I woke up this morning, with a migraine and a very sore wrist.
I had a missed call from my partner. I decided to have a cup of coffee before I returned the call. Am I glad I did! The first thing she said was, "Stay calm, ok? Stay calm". My first reaction was something had happened to the studio. Is it on fire? Did somebody take off with the cards and the baby clothes? My mind was running wild.
My partner then went on saying things that didn't make any sense, like " There is this album, and I saw your name....I clicked on your name and there was you....at first I didn't recognize you....., there is this job referred to me...and there is this photographer....."
She was speaking so fast and was miles ahead of me. I said, "Hold on, what's this again?" Then, she repeated this frantic speech again, and it finally dawned on me who she was referring to and what she was referring to.
Out of the blue, a person from the past has appeared. Just like that, out of the blue. This person and this particular episode is so far from my mind, that never in a million years would I relate that past to my current life.
It's funny how people say things happen for a reason. All through these years, I have found that Someone Up There has a real good sense of humor. The humor is, if you don't learn the lesson well, it'll happen again and again, albeit in various guises, till you do.
I think this is a pop up test on "Have I learned my lesson well enough to graduate this time around"? I think I passed with flying colors this time. Not only did I not mind, I don't really care about this apparition that apparated out of the blue.
Hey, Someone Up There, your choice of timing just goes to show that your humor is not lost.
Since Halloween is around the corner, I'll just say this, let the dead stay buried.
(photo by Terry Bear)
Spades or hearts, ignoring is the best medicine for these no goods.
You know what I mean?
Stay strong, we are with you all the way. :)
I know you will and you can, as you are already!
Oops, got you worried there. I am more ok than I thought. I just find it hilarious that it's halloween and a walking dead is amongst us...:D
Good for you!
This person must be an entertainer. Happy Halloween!
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