I have been a whiner lately, complaining about deadlines and project size, etc. Since it's almost November, I decided to take out my New Year's Resolution for 2008 to see how I have done.
Ok, I made 3 columns: Things I did good in 2007, Things that need improvement in 2008, and Mission and Goals for 2008.
Things I did good in 2007
1. Quit job I hate
2. Set up a budget
3. Develop a savings habit
4. Have a financial cushion
5. Develop financial literacy
6. Enjoy a simple life
7. Conserve resources
8. Go within for power & answers
9. Be self-reliant
10. Develop confidence
11.. Adopt a Positive attitude
12. Choose to bond w/ positive people
13. Learn how to cut loss
14. Say "no" without guilt
15. Discard baggage along the way
16. Cultivate a value system that speaks for me
17. Clear Priorities
18. Clear Boundaries
19. Innate desire for a better life
20. Cleared away clutter & chaos in life
Need Improvement
1. Need a bigger nest egg
2. Do not fall into a limitations trap
3. Be more creative in living
4. Welcome abundance
5. Be grateful
Mission and Goals for 2008
1. Passive income increase exponentially to be free from rat race
2. People pay me fabulously for my talents and abilities :p
3. All source of income pouring in and opening up
4. Earn respect for my beliefs
5. Value doing what is right over doing what is easy
6. Think/say/express my values in my actions, walk my talk
7. Stop settling, stop being a victim of circumstances
8. Financial calm
9. Continue and refine all the great accomplishments in 2007
After taking stock, I can honestly say that I am truly blessed, and I have stopped whining. :)