I am so excited to get my hands on the Limited Edition Black Label today. A Johnnie Walker fan for years, I was thrilled when I heard that Diageo will introduce a Black Label Limited Anniversary Edition collector's bottle, to celebrate 100 years of the Striding Man.
The limited edition is delivered in a black bottle and carries a 23 carat gold Striding Man to celebrate its century. Real gold? This is great!! If I am in any financial duress, I could scrape off the gold and sell it.
Seriously though, I am just ecstatic to get this cool bottle. A toast to the 100th anniversary and the ultimate occasion, Team USA's basketball Gold in the Olympics. Now, that's Gold worth cheering to!!
A spokesman from Diageo announced that "The Johnnie Walker Black Label Limited Anniversary Edition bottle will be available in selected retailers from October and will retail from US$65 for a 750ml bottle." Haha, I got it for US$55. A votre sante!!
(Photo: www.diageo.com)
long time no talk!
cling cling to the happy new bottle and the win!
Hello, welcome back!!
Hope your holiday was great as ever!!
Yay, hope Team USA will win and yes, I am very happy with the bottle!! wink :D
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