We have a wonderful vet in the nieghborhood. One of his favorite quotes is "it takes a dog to adore you and a cat to ignore you." Whenever he say that I would think of Garfield and Oldie. The cat with a snide and a dog who perpectually drools.
I always thought I was a dog person, coz I have always had doggies. Well, that is until Ashley came along. I have never had a cat before. I was expecting an aloof cat, who believes that "cats rule and dogs drool". Ashley is the youngest. My cockatoo Dayee is the eldest, then the Pom Pom B-chan, then Kobe the Yorkie and Ashley the Scottish Fold.
People would marvel at my odd mix of kids. Don't dogs and cats hate each other and cats and birds are mortal enemies? Well, except the first curiosity of checking each other out, they get along very well, no biting and no attacking each other.
Still, Ashley being a cat, she likes to "hunt". She would strategize ambushes to scare the dogs, especially Kobe, when he was still here. Kobe passed on last November and we all miss him terrribly. Surprisingly, it was Ashley who waited for him at the door and stayed close to his dog house for months.
After researching on the individual characteristics of my kids, I discovered why they can get along so well. One article described the Scottish Folds as calm, placid cats that enjoy staying indoors. They are playful, highly affectionate and gentle. Scottish Folds are highly adaptable and they do well in noisy houses full of people, even with friendly dogs. Ok there you go....
Cockatoos are very vocal and Dayee is no exception. Dayee has assumed the alpha role in the house. She would always comment on the things I say to the other kids. When I come home, I would say "hello" to each of them and ask them if they have been good boys and good girls. Dayee would then comment with a coo or a yell, depending on her version.
This is a mad house and a zoo, but everyone is at ease and relaxed. I never have to worry about them mauling each other when I am out. I guess the next time my vet quips that "it takes a dog to adore you and a cat to ignore you", I could add that "it takes a bird to boss you".
If only Kobe were here, our home will be whole. We really miss the mini Yorkie who is tiny in size, but has a whole lot of personality. More on Kobe next time.
I don't know how you handle them all although they are so loveable.
I wish Leigh wasn't allergic to dogs so that we could at least have a puppy at home :D
Actually they are easy to handle, but hard to please...HAHA :D
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